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Current bacterial diseases of fresh water fishes

dc.creatorJeremić, Svetlana
dc.creatorRadosavljević, Vladimir
dc.creatorJakić-Dimić, Dobrila
dc.description.abstractBolesti riba predstavljale su, od početka veštačkog načina gajenja riba ozbiljan problem za ovu granu poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Poslednjih godina prelaskom na intenzivne metode gajenja gde je gustina nasada povećana bolesti riba su postale mnogo šira i složenija disciplina. Bakterijska oboljenja predstavljaju stalnu opasnost pri proizvodnji riba. Klinički su manifestne i eksplozivnog toka, pa je njihovo učešće u patologiji i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje riba od izuzetnog značaja. Njihovo štetno delovanje ispoljava se u povećanom morbiditetu i mortalitetu, slabljenju organizma riba, smanjenom prirastu, slabijem iskorišćavanju hrane i nedostatkom nasadnog materijala. Da bi smo utvrdili epizootiološku situaciju i pojavu bakterijskih oboljenja kod gajenih riba u Republici Srbiji, izvršili smo trogodišnja istraživanja na 7 šaranskih i 3 pastrmska ribnjaka. i sprovodili sistemski pregled tokom cele godine. Najčešće dijagnostikovane bolesti pastrmki i šarana jesu: bakterijsko oboljenje škrga, Columnaris bolest jersinioza, renibakterioza, pseudomonas septikemija, septikemije izazvane pokretnim aeromonadama, eritrodermatitis i furunkuloza. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja uvedene su moderne dijagnostičke metode, sprovedena valjana preventiva i uspešna terapija.sr
dc.description.abstractFrom the beginning of fish cultivation, diseases have appeared as a serious problem in this branch of agriculture. In recent years, by the intensifying of production, fish diseases have become even more significant and complex field. Bacterial diseases are constant threat for fish farming, and because of rapid course and severity of clinical manifestations the represent significant part of fish pathology, and also have great economical importance. Harmful effects of bacterial diseases on fishes are: increased morbidity and mortality rate, decreased feed conversion efficiency, decreased growth rates, weakening of fishes, and reproduction problems. In order to examine epizootiological situation and occurrence of bacterial diseases among cultured fish in Serbia, three year research was carried out in 7 carp farms and 3 rainbow trout farms. Also, regular systematic examinations were conducted. Samples of internal organs, skin and gills were inoculated with streak-plate technique on standard and differential culture media plates. Inoculated plates were incubated for 24-48 hours at 20°C and 30°C. After incubation period, colonies were examined, and determination was done on the basis of following characteristics of colonies: form, color, mucosity granulation, roughness and hemolytic properties. Determination of bacterial isolates was done by using API 20E, API rapid. API Coryne systems, and by agglutination method with hyper immune aera. The most frequent diseases among the farmed carp and rainbow trout populations in the examined fish farms were: Bacterial gill disease, Columnaris disease. Yersiniosis Renibacteriosis, Erythrodermatitis. Motile Aeromonas and Pseudomonas infections. Based on the obtained results, modern diagnostic methods were implemented and proper prevention and successful therapy was taken.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za stočarstvo
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjectzdravstveno stanjesr
dc.subjectzdravstvena zaštitasr
dc.subjectbakterijske bolestisr
dc.subjectfish health conditionen
dc.subjectfish health careen
dc.subjectbacterial diseasesen
dc.titleAktuelna bakterijska oboljenja slatkovodnih ribasr
dc.titleCurrent bacterial diseases of fresh water fishesen
dc.citation.other21(3-4): 141-151



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