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Dressing percentage of meat from crosses of Pirot pramenka and merino landshaf breed as indicator of meat production

dc.creatorŽujović, Miroslav
dc.creatorJosipović, Slavko
dc.creatorTomić, Zorica
dc.creatorPavlovski, Zlatica
dc.creatorLukić, Miloš
dc.creatorPavlović, Ivan
dc.creatorIvanović, Snežana
dc.description.abstractIspitivanja su obavljena na jagnjadi iz kooperacije i sa farme ZZ STOČAR u Dimitrovgradu odmah posle pašnog tova na Staroj Planini koji je trajao 150 dana. Iz stada od 300 muških jagnjadi i stada od 200 ženskih jagnjadi metodom slučajnog odabira u drugoj polovini oktobra 2002 godine izabrano je po 30 jagnjadi za ispitivanje randmana mesa. Tov je ukupno trajao 240 dana. Pri transportu do klanice gubitak u telesnoj masi bio je kod muške jagnjadi 8.24%, a kod ženske jagnjadi 8.33%. Prosečna telesna masa muške jagnjadi je 32.07kg, a ženske 27.70kg. Randman trupova muške jagnjadi je 48.18, a ženske 48.15%. Kvalitetnom ishranom primetno se povećava masa trupova i randman mesa u pirotske oplemenjene pramenke.sr
dc.description.abstractInvestigations were performed on lambs raised in cooperative farms and farm of ZZ STOČAR in Dimitrovgrad, immediately after the pasture fattening on Stara Planina Mountain in duration of 150 days. By random selection, 30 lambs of each sex were selected from male and female herds consisting of 300 and 200 lambs, respectively, in the second week of October, and were used for investigation of the dressing percentage. Fattening period lasted 240 days. The loss of live weight in transport to slaughterhouse was 8.24% in case of male lambs, and 8.33% in case of female lambs. Average body mass of male lambs was 32.07kg, and female lambs 27.70kg. Dressing percentage of carcasses from male lambs was 48.18, and of females 48.15%. With high quality nutrition the mass of carcasses and dressing percentage in improved Pirot Pramenka breed are noticeable increased. Dressing percentage of meat from lambs of improved Pirot Pramenka breed fattened on pasture can considerably be increased in relation to previous results obtained from non-fattened lambs. This fact indicates that the fattening is the best way to provide higher quantities of meat also of improved quality from lambs of Domestic Pramenka breed. It should also be pointed out that dressing percentage determined for lambs of improved Pirot Pramenka breed doesn't fully satisfy standards, however, the improvement can be achieved by modernization of the fattening technology and improved conditions of nutrition and care. This type of fattening complies with the standards of EU as ecologically produced food, that is meat.en
dc.publisherInstitut za stočarstvo, Beograd
dc.sourceBiotechnology in Animal Husbandry
dc.subjecttelesna masasr
dc.subjectpirotska pramenkasr
dc.subjectPirot Pramenka breeden
dc.subjectdressing percentageen
dc.subjectbody massen
dc.titleRandman mesa jagnjadi meleza pirotske pramenke i merino landšaf rase kao pokazatelj proizvodnje mesasr
dc.titleDressing percentage of meat from crosses of Pirot pramenka and merino landshaf breed as indicator of meat productionen
dc.citation.other20(1-2): 75-80



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