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dc.contributorRadosavljević, Vladimir
dc.creatorTasić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorPisinov, Boris
dc.creatorRokvić, Nikola
dc.creatorKureljušić, Jasna
dc.description.abstractAn analysis of fifty different honey samples collected from various regions in Serbia was done as part of regular testing. Sensory and physicochemical properties of four honey types, blossom, clover, acacia, and honeydew, were studied. Methods established by the International Honey Commission as well as the methods specified by the Rulebook on the Quality of Honey and Other Bee Products and Quality Control Methods (OG SFRY, No. 4/85) and the AOAC official method 958.09 were used. High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used to determine the sugar content. Sensory analysis was carried out using quantitative descriptive analysis method. The ranges of physicochemical properties were: moisture 13.1– 16.7%, reducing sugars 65.0–84.60%, sucrose 0.4–4.68%, total acidity 8.0– 30.2 meq/kg, ash content 0.05–0.52% and water insoluble solids content 0.01–0.03%. Also, electrical conductivity, diastase activity and content of 5-hydromethylfurfural (HMF) were measured. HMF was detected in all samples and its concentrations ranged between 0.46 and 12.06 mg/kg, which is below the maximum concentration allowed by the legislation. The presence of HMF which resulted from heating or prolonged storage was also discussed and it provided insight into the reasons why common methods of honey processing may compromise its quality. This paper gives an overview of current knowledge on the quality criteria and the methods used for their determination. The aim was to compare the results of our analysis with reference values taken from the Rulebook on the Quality and Other Requirements for Honey, Other Bee Products, Products Based on Honey and Other Bee Products (OG SM, No. 45/03) and the current Rulebook of January 1, 2016 on the Quality of Honey and Other Bee Products (OG RS, No. 101/15). Furthermore, parameters and reference values from the Rulebooks governing quality and other requirements for honey valid until 2016 are compared with those from the current Rulebook. Different aspects of such analysis are dealt with in detail, including the methods of choice, calibration strategies, sample treatments and preparation procedures. It has been observed that the honey produced in Serbia is of good
dc.publisherBelgrade : Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbiasr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Scientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad"sr
dc.sourceSecond International Symposium of Veterinary Medicine (ISVM2016)sr
dc.subjectquality honeysr
dc.subjectsensory analysissr
dc.subjectbee productssr
dc.titleSensory and physicochemical properties of commercial samples of honeysr



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Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu