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Importance and development of method for pesticide control in milk from organic production

dc.creatorTasić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorPavlović, Ivan
dc.creatorPavlović, Marija
dc.description.abstractPesticidi se koriste za povećanje poljoprivredne proizvodnje i uništenje štetočina, ali sa druge strane dovode i do zagađenja poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Putem ishrane i zagadjene životne sredine pesticidi mogu kontaminirati i životinjske proizvode. Biljni i životinjski proizvodi proizvedeni bez upotrebe pesticida se nazivaju organskim proizvodima. Ovaj pristup u proizvodnji hrane se poslednjih decenija razvija u Srbiji, i mnogo više je zastupljen kada je u pitanju biljna hrana, u odnosu na hranu životinjskog porekla. Organska proizvodnja je deo ekologije i održivog razvoja, koji pored proizvodnje hrane obuhvata i organsku proizvodnju proizvoda biljnog i životinjskog porekla, poput tekstila i kože. Kombinovanjem dobrih elemenata tradicije u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, inovacija i nauke postižu se zadovoljavajući rezultati u orgaskoj proizvodnji. Poslednjih godina povećana je potrađnja i proizvodnja biljnih i životnjskih organskih proizvoda. Što se tiče organskih životinjskih proizvoda najzastupljeniji su: organsko mleko, organski jogurt, organski sir i organska jaja. Takođe, organska proizvodnja i stočarstvo zahtevaju stroge kontrole bezbednosti i prisustva pesticida. Cilj ovog rada je uspostavljanje i validacija metode za kontrolu prisustva rezidua pesticida u mleku iz organske proizvodnje. Tako da je put smanjene upotrebe pesticida, korišćenja što manje toksičnih rastvarača i kontrole pesticida pristutnih u hrani vodi zelenoj ekonomiji. Zelena ekonomija ima za cilj smanjenje rizika po životnu sredinu, i upravo na ovaj način kontrolom ekoločkih resursa se smanjuje uništenje životne sredine.sr
dc.description.abstractPesticides are used to increase agricultural production and destroy pests, but on the other hand they also lead to pollution of agricultural products. Also, through feed and polluted environment, pesticides can contaminate animal products. Plant and animal products produced without the use of pesticides are called organic products. This approach to food production has been developing in Serbia over the last decade, and is much more prevalent when it comes to plant foods, compared to foods of animal origin. Organic production is part of ecology and sustainable development, which in addition to food production includes organic production of products of plant and animal origin, such as textiles and leather. By combining good elements of tradition in agricultural production, innovation and science, satisfactory results in organic production are achieved. In recent years, the demand and production of plant and animal organic products has increased. As far as organic animal products are concerned, the most common are: organic milk, organic yogurt, organic cheese and organic eggs. Also, organic production and animal husbandry require strict controls of the safety and presence of pesticides. The aim of this paper is to establish and validate a method for controlling the presence of pesticide residues in milk from organic production. So the path to reduced pesticide use, use as few toxic solvents as possible, and control pesticides present in food leads to a green economy. The green economy aims to reduce environmental risks, and it is in this way that controlling environmental resources reduces environmental destruction.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije - Ecologicasr
dc.subjectorgansko mlekosr
dc.subjectorganska proizvodnjasr
dc.subjectzelena ekonomijasr
dc.subjectrezidui pesticidasr
dc.subjectorganic milksr
dc.subjectorganic productionsr
dc.subjectgreen economysr
dc.subjectpesticide residuessr
dc.titleZnačaj i razvoj metode za kontrolu pesticida u mleku iz organske proizvodnjesr
dc.titleImportance and development of method for pesticide control in milk from organic productionsr



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