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Fatty acids and health lipid indices of peglana sausages traditionally prepared in Pirot, eastern Serbia

dc.creatorTasić, Aleksandra
dc.creatorPavlović, Ivan
dc.description.abstractCiljevi ove studije su bili da se utvrde nutritivni sastav (vlaga, proteini i ukupna masnoća) i nutritivna vrednost peglanih kobasica proizvedenih u istočnoj Srbiji i takođe, da se analizira sastav masnih kiselina. Određivanje sastava masnih kiselina u kobasicama je izvršeno nakon zrenja i nakon 21 dan skladištenja. Pirotska peglana kobasica je vrsta fermentisanih kobasica koja se proizvodi tradicionalnim postupkom na teritoriji opštine Pirot. Pripada grupi suvo fermentisanih kobasica i proizvodi se od junećeg, ovčijeg i kozijeg mesa. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da peglane kobasice imaju visok sadržaj proteina i zasićenih masnih kiselina. Takođe, analiza sastava masnih kiselina i indeksa lipida, dokazuje da kobasice imaju lipidni profil sa bogatstvom PUFA i niskom vrednošću AI. Bogatstvo PUFA se može objasniti pravilnim načinom uzgoja, kvalitetom pašnjaka i dobrim rasnim poreklom životinja sa Stare planine.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study were to determine the nutritional composition (moisture, protein and total fat) and nutritional value of peglana sausages produced in eastern Serbia and also to analyze the composition of fatty acids. Peglana sausage is a type of fermented sausage produced by the traditional process in the territory of the municipality of Pirot. It belongs to a group of dry fermented sausages and it is produced from beef, sheep and goat meat. Determination of fatty acid composition in the sausages was performed after ripening and after 21 days of storage. The results obtained show peglana sausages have high contents of proteins and saturated fatty acids. Also, analysis of the fatty acid composition and lipid indices shows that sausages have the lipid profile with its richness in PUFA and its low value of AI. The richness of PUFA can be explained by the correct way of rearing mode, the pasture quality and the good racial origin of the animals from Stara Planina.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvosr
dc.sourceTreći simpozijum "Zaštita agrobiodiverziteta i očuvanje autohtonih rasa domaćih životinja", Dimitrovgrad, 25–27. jun 2021sr
dc.subjectmasne kiselinesr
dc.subjectsuve kobasicesr
dc.subjectdry sausagessr
dc.subjectfatty acidssr
dc.titleMasne kiseline i zdravstveni lipidni indeksi peglanih kobasica, tradicionalno pripremljenih u Pirotu, istočna Srbijasr
dc.titleFatty acids and health lipid indices of peglana sausages traditionally prepared in Pirot, eastern Serbiasr



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