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The importance of biosecurity assessment on the broiler farms

dc.creatorMaletić, Jelena
dc.creatorKureljušić, Jasna
dc.creatorMilovanović, Bojan
dc.creatorMilićević, Vesna
dc.creatorRadosavljevic, Vladimir
dc.creatorSpalević, Ljiljana
dc.creatorKureljušić, Branislav
dc.description.abstractBiosigurnost podrazumeva primenu određenih preventivnih mera na farmi u cilju smanjenja mogućnosti unošenja i širenja patogenih mikroorganizama. Biosigurnost može biti spoljašnja (eksterna) i unutrašnja (interna). Procena biosigurnosti predstavlja kvalitativno ili kvantitativno određivanje nivoa biosigurnosti na farmama. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na dve brojlerske farme na kojima je procena nivoa biosigurnosti sprovedena upotrebom on-lajn upitnika – Biocheck.Ugent. Ukupna ocena biosigurnosti na farmi 1 bila je viša za 22% u odnosu na ocenu za farmu 2. Ocena eksterne biosigurnosti na farmi 1 je za 27% viša u odnosu na ocenu za farmu 2, dok su se ocene za internu biosigurnost razlikovale za 8%. Takođe, utvrđno je da su ocena eksterne biosigurnosti, kao i ukupna ocena za biosigurnosne mere koje se sprovode na farmi 2, niže u odnosu na svetski prosek dobijen iz baze podataka Biochek.UGent-a. Dobijene ocene za potkategorije, razlikovale su se između farmi. Najniže ocene za eksternu biosigurnost dobile su potkategorije „uklanjanje stajnjaka i leševa” (5/100), „snabdevanje hranom i vodom” (36/100) i „depopulacija pilića” (51/100), a za internu potkategoriju „čišćenje i dezinfekcija” (37/100). Sistem za procenu implentiranih biosigurnosnih mera može se posmatrati kao vredan instrument za praćenje nivoa biosigurnosti. Periodična procena biosigurnosti na brojlerskim farmama na nivou cele zemlje, omogućila bi mapiranje farmi prema nivou biosigurnosti i prema riziku od izbijanja određene
dc.description.abstractBiosecurity implies the application of certain preventive measures on the farm in order to reduce the possibility of the introduction and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Biosecurity can be external and internal. Biosecurity assessment is a qualitative or quantitative determination of the level of biosecurity on farms. The study was conducted on two broiler farms where the biosecurity assessment was carried out using an online questionnaire – Biocheck.Ugent. The overall biosecurity score on farm 1 was 22% higher than that for farm 2. The external biosecurity score on farm 1 was 27% higher than that for farm 2, while the internal biosecurity score differed by 8%. The external biosecurity score on farm 2 was lower than the internal biosecurity score. Also, it was determined that the external biosecurity, as well as the overall biosecurity implemented on farm 2, had a lower score compared to the world average score obtained from Biochek.UGent database. Scores obtained for subcategories differed between farms. The lowest scores for external biosecurity were for the subcategories ”manure and carcass removal” (5/100), ”food and water supply” (36/100), and ”depopulation” (51/100), and for the internal subcategory ”cleaning and disinfection” (37/100). The system for evaluating of implemented biosecurity measures can be seen as a valuable instrument for monitoring the level of biosecurity. A periodic assessment of biosecurity on broiler farms at the country level would enable the mapping of farms according to the level of biosecurity and according to the risk of the outbreak of a certain
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvo, Sekcija za DDDsr
dc.publisherBeograd : Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Katedra za zoohigijenusr
dc.source34. Savetovanje Dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija i deratizacija : Jedan svet - jedno zdravljesr
dc.subjectbrojlerske farmesr
dc.subjectpoultry farmssr
dc.titleZnačaj procene nivoa biosigurnosti na brojlerskim farmamasr
dc.titleThe importance of biosecurity assessment on the broiler farmssr

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