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Bolezn' Mareka u kur gollandskoj belohohloj porody

dc.creatorSpalević, Ljiljana
dc.creatorMaslić-Strižak, Danka
dc.creatorKureljušić, Branislav
dc.creatorMilićević, Vesna
dc.creatorRadanović, Oliver
dc.creatorJezdimirović, Nemanja
dc.description.abstractMarekova bolest je virusno limfoproliferativno oboljenje živine koje se karakteriše stvaranjem limfoma u muskulaturi, koži, oku ili unutrašnjim organima. Širenjem virusa iz epitela folikula pera bolest se brže prenosi kroz jato. Živina se zarazi putem prašine i ostaje nosilac virusa tokom čitavog života. Virus se ne prenosi vertikalno. Bolest se može pojaviti u tri oblika: nervni, visceralni i kožni. Obolela živina može imati bilo koji oblik ili kombinaciju navedenih. Cilj ovog ispitivanja je bio da se ustanovi uzročnik poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja u jatu holandske beloćubaste živine. Jato je imalo 25 jedinki čija se starost kretala od 4-16 nedelja. Zapaženo je da je živina kahektična, da pokazuje znake sporadične dijareje i da su uginule 3 koke i 2 petla. Patoanatomskim pregledom ustanoviljene su promene na pojedinim unutrašnjim organima. Jetra je bila uvećana sa limfoidnim proliferatima na površini i u parenhimu, slezina višestruko uvećana i mramorirana a žlezdani želudac dilatiran sa petehijalnim krvarenjima na slusokoži. Promenjeni organi su podvrgnuti patohistološkom ispitivanju. U jetri su uočene multifokalne limfoidne infiltracije sa posledičnom atrofijom parenhima, u slezini pored limfoblastne proliferacije uočeni su i heterofilni i histiocitni infiltrati, u žlezdanm želucu limfoblastna infiltracija sa kongestijom kapilara i sitnim krvarenjima. U uzorcima patološki promenjenih organa PCR metodom dokazan je genom virusa Marekove bolesti serotipa GaHv-2. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da je živina obolela od Marekove bolesti koja se ispoljila u visceralnoj formi.sr
dc.description.abstractMarek's disease is a viral lymphoproliferative disease of poultry characterized by the creation of lymphoma in muscle, skin, eye or internal organs. Virus maturing into infective forms in follicular epithelium from where enters in the external environment where long time remains infectious. Poultry are infected by dust and remains the holder of the virus throughout their lives. The virus is transmitted vertically. The disease can occur in three forms: nervous, visceral and skin. Affected poultry may have any shape or combination of these. The aim of this study was to determine the cause of the disorder the health status in the flock of Holland white crested chickens. Flock had 25 chickens whose ages ranged from 4-16 weeks. Observation, we noticed that the chickens are cachectic, showing signs of sporadic diarrhea and died 3 hens and 2 roosters. Pathoanatomical examination is ascertained changes in certain internal organs. The liver was enlarged with lymphoid proliferate on the surface and in the parenchyma, spleen increased several times and marbled, glandular stomach (proventriculus) dilated with petechial hemorrhages on mucose. Changed organs was examination histopathological. In the liver were observed multifocal lymphoid infiltration with subsequent atrophy of the parenchyma, in addition to spleen lymphoid proliferation heterophyllus and histiocytic infiltrates, in proventriculus lymphoblastic infiltration with congestion of capillaries and small haemorrhages. In samples pathologically altered organs PCR method proved the genome of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 . Based on these results we concluded that the livestock were sick from Marek's disease, which is expressed in visceral form.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectMarekova bolestsr
dc.subjectholandska beloćubasta živinasr
dc.subjectMarek's diseaseen
dc.subjectholland white crested chickenen
dc.titleMarekova bolest kod holandske beloćubaste živinesr
dc.titleBolezn' Mareka u kur gollandskoj belohohloj porodyru
dc.titleMareks disease in the Holland white crested chickensen
dc.citation.other70(5-6): 225-232



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