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Stereotypical behaviour at high yielding dairy cows farms - 'tongue rolling'

dc.creatorProdanović, Radiša
dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.creatorNešić, Ksenija
dc.creatorJanevski, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMarić, Jovan
dc.creatorKukolj, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi da li postoji veza između stereotipnog ponašanja visoko-mlečnih rasa krava i vrednosti biohemijskih parametara krvi. Ispitivanje je izvršeno tokom avgusta na farmi visokomleč nih krava slobodnog tipa držanja na po 30 jedinki iz četiri grupe: zasušenja (između 15 i 7 dana pre teljenja), puerperijuma (do 40 dana posle teljenja), rane laktacije (do 120 dana posle teljenja) i kasne laktacije (200 do 300 dana posle teljenja). Procena stereotipnog ponašanja ('igra jezika') izvršena je metodom pažljivog posmatranja svih ispitivanih životinja 2 do 4 časa nakon jutarnjeg hranjenja. Uzorci krvi uzeti su punkcijom vene jugularis od po 8 krava iz svake grupe. U uzorcima krvi određivana je koncentracija glukoze, beta-hidroksibuterne kiseline (BHBA), ukupnih proteina (UP), albumina, uree, ukupnog bilirubina (UB), Ca, P, Mg i aktivnosti AST i ALT. U periodu do 40 dana posle teljenja (puerperijum) poremećaji u ponašanju u vidu 'igre jezika' su ustanovljeni kod 4 od 30 posmatranih životinja iz tog perioda (13,33%). Prosečne koncentracije svih ispitivanih parametara krvi u periodu zasušenja, ranoj i kasnoj laktaciji nalazile su se u granicama fizioloških vrednosti za goveda. U puerperijumu su ustanovljene značajno niže vrednosti glikemije, proteinemije, albuminemije, uremije i magnezijemije u odnosu na antepartalne vrednosti (p LT 0.05), pri čemu su vrednosti glikemije i magnezijemije bile ispod fiziološke granice. Istovremeno, kod ove grupe krava, vrednosti koncentracije UB i aktivnosti AST bile su veće od fizioloških vrednosti. Učestala pojava 'igre jezika' samo u grupi krava u kojoj je ustanovljeno odstupanje vrednosti biohemijskih parametara ukazuje na moguće postojanje povezanosti ispitivanog stereotipnog ponašanja i biohemijskog sastava krvi. Čini se da bi hipomagnezijemija mogla da bude značajan etiopatogenetski činilac u promeni ponašanja krava u intenzivnim uslovima
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to determine if there was a connection between stereotypical behaviour of high yielding dairy cows breeds and values of biochemical blood parameters. The investigation was carried out in august at loose-housing type of farms, in 30 heads of cattle from four groups: drying (15 to 7 days before calving), puerperium (up to 40 days after calving, early lactation (up to 120 days after calving) and late lactation (200 to 300 days after calving). Assessment of stereotypical behaviour (tongue rolling) was carried out by the method of careful observation of all the tested animals 2 to 4 hours after morning feeding. Blood samples were taken by puncture of jugular vein from 8 cows out of each animal group. In these blood samples there was determined the concentration of glucose, beta hydroxy-butyric acid (BHBA), total protein (TP), albumin, urea, total bilirubin (TBI), Ca, P, and Mg as well as AST and ALT activities. During the period up to 40 days after calving (puerperium), behavioral disorder in the form of 'tongue rolling' was found out in 4 out of 30 observed animals (13.33%). Average concentrations of all the tested blood parameters during the drying period as well as in early and late lactation were within physiological values for cattle. During puerperium there were found significantly lower values of glycaemia, proteinemia, albuminemia, uremia and magnesiemia in regard to antepartal values (p LT 0.05), where the values of glycaemia and magnesiemia were below the physiological limit. A the same time, in this group of cows the values of TBI and AST activities were higher than physiological values. Frequent appearance of 'tongue rolling' phenomenon only among cows in the group with deviation of biochemical parameters values, points out to a possible connection between the stereotypical behaviour and biochemical composition of blood. It seems that hypomagnesiemia could be a significant etiopathogenetic factor causing the change in behaviour of cows in intensive livestock production.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.subjectstereotipno ponašanjesr
dc.subjectbiohemijski sastav krvisr
dc.subjectstereotypical behaviouren
dc.subjectbiochemical composition of blooden
dc.titleStereotipno ponašanje na farmama visokomlečnih krava - 'igra jezika'sr
dc.titleStereotypical behaviour at high yielding dairy cows farms - 'tongue rolling'en
dc.citation.other67(5-6): 349-357



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