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Investigations of representation of certain bacteria strains in lungs of pigs with pneumonia

dc.creatorŽutić, Milenko
dc.creatorIvetić, Vojin
dc.creatorRadanović, Oliver
dc.creatorŽutić, Jadranka
dc.creatorJakić-Dimić, Dobrila
dc.creatorSavić, Božidar
dc.creatorPavlović, Ivan
dc.creatorStanojević, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractCilj istraživanja u ovom radu bio je da se izvrši identifikacija i ustanovi incidencija pojedinih vrsta bakterija koje učestvuju u etiopatogenezi respiratornih infekcija svinja. Ukupno je ispitivanjem obuhvaćeno 237 patoanatomski promenjenih pluća uginulih svinja. Uzorkovanje je vršeno tokom poseta svinjarskim farmama, najčešće u situacijama kada je bilo neophodno rešiti nastale respiratorne infekcije. Uzorci su u laboratoriji ispitivani na prisustvo bakterijskih uzročnika primenom standardnih i komercijalnih metoda mikrobiološke dijagnostike. U ove svrhe uzorci su zasejavani na odgovarajuće hranjive podloge (krvni agar, MacConkey gara, hranjivi agar, BHI agar, Baird Parker agar). Za primoizolaciju Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae i Haemophilus parasuis, korišćeni su agar sa 5-10% ovčije krvi i kultura soja Staphylococcus aureus koja služi kao izvor V faktora, a za supkultivisanje ovih uzročnika korišćen je čokoladni agar sa PolyVitex-om. Kod izolovanih bakterija nakon ispitivanja morfoloških i kulturelnih karakteristika izvršena je biohemijska identifikacija primenom komercijalnih testova BBL Crystal GP ID Kit, E/N ID Kit, Api 20 Strep i Slidex Staph Plus. Od ukupno 237 pregledanih uzoraka pluća iz 193 (81,43 %) izolovano je 13 vrsta bakterija. Iz odgoja je pregledano 112 uzoraka pluća svinja od kojih je u 92 (82,14 %) ustanovljeno prisustvo bakterija, dok je iz tova od 125 pregledanih pluća, u 101 (80,8 %) uzorku ustanovljeno prisustvo bakterija. U spektru mikroorganizama iz pluća dominirale su dve vrste bakterija: Pasteurella multocida (32,64%) i Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (29,02 %). Ukupno ove dve vrste bakterija čine 61,66 % svih sojeva izolovanih u čistoj kulturi. Učešće ostalih 11 vrsta bakterija kretalo se od 0,52%do 9,84 %. Posmatrano po proizvodnim kategorijama, iz pluća prasadi u odgoju najčešće je izolovan Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (26 izolata), a iz pluća tovljenika Pasteurella multocida (43 izolata). Od ukupno identifikovanih 13 vrsta bakterija samo je njih 5 ustanovljeno u tovu, ali u istoj kategoriji i 4 od ukupno 5 otkrivenih slučajeva mešane infekcije. U 16 (8,29 %) uzoraka pluća ustanovljena je mešana infekcija bakterijama. U svakom od 5 slučajeva mešane infekcije ustanovljeno je prisustvo Pasteurella multocida i/ili Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae.sr
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the investigations described in this paper was to carry out the identification and to establish the incidence of certain strains of bacteria that take part in the etiopathogenesis of pig infections. The investigations covered a total of 237 pathoanatomically altered lungs of expired pigs. Sampling was done during visits to pig farms, most often in situations when it had been necessary to resolve occurring respiratory infections. The samples were examined in a laboratory for the presence of bacterial causes using standard and commercial methods of microbiological diagnostics. For this purpose, the samples were sown on corresponding nutritive bases (blood agar, MacConkey agar, nutritive agar, BHI agar, Baird Parker agar). For the primary isolation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Haemophilus parasuis, agar with 5-10% sheep's blood was used and the culture of the strain Staphylococcus aureus which serves as a source of V factor, and for subcultivation of these causes, chocolate agar was used with PolyVitex. In the isolated bacteria, following investigations of morphological and culture characteristics, biochemical identification was performed using the commercial tests BBL Crystal GP ID Kit, E/N ID Kit, Api 20 Strep and Slidex Staph Plus. From the total of 237 examined lung samples, 13 bacteria strains were isolated from 193 samples (81.43%). Among breeding pigs, 112 lung samples were examined and the presence of bacteria was established in 92 (82.14%), while the presence of bacteria was established in 101 samples (80.8%) of 125 examined lung samples from fattening pigs. Two bacteria strains were dominant among the spectrum of lung microorganisms: Pasteurella multocida (32.64%) and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (29.02%), or, these two bacteria strains in total accounted for 61.66% of all strains isolated in pure culture. The participation of the other 11 bacteria strains ranged from 0.52-9.84%. Observed according to production categories, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was most often isolated from lungs of breeding pigs (26 isolates), while Pasteurella multocida was most often isolated from the lungs of fattening pigs (43 isolates). Out of the totally identified 13 bacteria species, only 5 were established in fattening pigs, but these animals were also found to have 4 of the total of 5 detected cases of mixed infection. Infection with mixed bacteria was established in 16 lung samples (8.29%). The presence of Pasteurella multocida and/or Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was established in each of the 5 cases of mixed infection.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski glasnik
dc.titleIspitivanje zastupljenosti pojedinih vrsta bakterija u plućima svinja sa pneumonijomsr
dc.titleInvestigations of representation of certain bacteria strains in lungs of pigs with pneumoniaen
dc.citation.other63(1-2): 3-15



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