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Mosquito control in Serbia: knowledge-based approach and possibilities for use of novel technologies

dc.creatorVasić, Ana
dc.creatorKureljušić, Jasna
dc.creatorPavlović, Slavica
dc.creatorKureljušić, Branislav
dc.creatorMilićević, Vesna
dc.creatorRadanović, Oliver
dc.creatorKavran, Mihaela
dc.description.abstractKomarci (Diptera: Culicidae) su prepoznati kao globalni problem po zdravlje ljudi i životinja, ekonomiju i održivi razvoj. Komarci ometaju ljudsku delatnost što može negativno uticati na kvalitet života. U Srbiji postoji veliki diverzitet autohtonih vrsta komaraca kojima za razvoj pogoduje umerena klima i obilje vodenih staništa, ali i neadekvatno održavane vodene površine kako u ruralnim tako i u urbanim sredinama. Invazivne vrste kao što je azijski tigrasti komarac, Aedes albopictus Skuse, 1895, ali i autohtona vrsta Culex pipiens Linneaus, 1758 uspešno se razmnožavaju čak i u posudama malih dimenzija u kojima se akumuliše voda. Imajući u vidu biologiju ovih vrsta mnogi prirodni i veštački recipijenti vode u urbanim sredinama predstavljaju potencijalna razvojna staništa ovih vrsta što značajno otežava njihovo suzbijanje. Srbija je danas endemsko područje za zoonotske flaviviruse, pre svega virus Zapadnog Nila (West Nile virus – WNV) i Usutu virus čiji su glavni (ali ne i jedini prenosioci) u Evropi komarci vrste Cx. pipiens. Prilikom procene rizika za širenje uzročnika bolesti bitno je identifikovati prisutne vrste komaraca na datom području, a potom i njihove biotipove. Dobro poznavanje biologije komaraca je osnova za procenu rizika i za donošenje odluka o njihovom suzbijanju. Za procenu rizika posebno su značajne determinante kapaciteta vektora i to brojnost populacije komaraca i njihova vektorska kompetentnost. Eksperimentalno je potvrđeno da Ae. albopictus prenosi WNV. Bez obzira na manju efikasnost transmisije u odnosu na Cx. pipiens, njihova velika brojnost daje doprinos u širenju WNV. Uspešno dugogodišnje širenje areala rasprostiranja azijskog tigrastog komarca u Srbiji kao i adaptiranost na umereni klimat u kome ova vrsta prezimljava, otežava kontrolu pojave i širenja WNV. Korišćenjem naučnog pristupa u kontroli vektora i primenom savremenih metoda kao odgovor na precizno identifikovan problem u sredini gde se vrši suzbijanje komaraca, racionalizuje se potrošnja sredstava za ovu namenu. Niska efikasnost konvencionalnih mera suzbijanja kao rezultat komplikovane biologije navedenih vrsta, zahteva uvođenje novih efikasnijih metoda. Savremene metode suzbijanja larvi komaraca mogu ograničiti njihovu populaciju čak i u sredinama gde primena insekticida nije dozvoljena, kao što su zaštićena područja prirodnih vrednosti. Primena tehnike sterilnih insekata (Sterile Insect Technique-SIT) uspešno dovodi do smanjenja broja pojedinih vektorskih vrsta, kao npr. vrste Ae. albopictus. Kao poseban problem je identifikovana rezistencija komaraca na insekticide, te su potrebne nove metode i pristupi u suzbijanju
dc.description.abstractMosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) are recognized as a global problem for human and animal health, the economy, and sustainable development. Mosquitoes disrupt human activities, which can significantly negatively impact quality of life and economy. Serbia has a large diversity of indigenous mosquito species that thrive in a moderate climate and abundant water habitats, as well as inadequately maintained water surfaces in both rural and urban areas. Invasive species such as the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1895), as well as the indigenous species Culex pipiens (Linnaeus, 1758), successfully breed even in small containers where water accumulates. Considering the biology of these species, many natural and artificial water recipients in urban areas represent potential developmental habitats for these species, significantly complicating their control. Serbia is now an endemic area for zoonotic flaviviruses, primarily the West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus, whose main (but not only) vectors in Europe are mosquitoes of the species Culex pipiens. When assessing the risk of disease spread, it is essential to identify the present mosquito species in a given area, and then their biotypes. A good understanding of mosquito biology is the basis for risk assessment and decision-making regarding their control. Determinants of vector capacity, such as mosquito population abundance and vector competence, are particularly important in risk assessment. It has been experimentally confirmed that Ae. albopictus transmits WNV. Despite its lower transmission efficiency compared to Cx. pipiens, their high abundance contributes to the spread of WNV. The expansion of areas where the Asian tiger mosquito is present in Serbia in a stable population that overwinters is significant for controlling the occurrence and spread of WNV. By using a scientific approach to vector control and implementing modern methods in response to precisely identified problems in environments where mosquito control is carried out, the expenditure for this purpose is rationalized. The low efficiency of conventional mosquito control measures, resulting from the complicated biology of the mentioned species, necessitates the introduction of new, more effective methods. Modern methods of mosquito larvae control can limit their population even in environments where the use of insecticides is not permitted, such as protected areas of natural value. The application of sterile insect technique (SIT) successfully reduces the number of, for example, Aedes albopictus species. Resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides has been identified as a particular problem, requiring new methods and approaches to mosquito
dc.publisherBeograd : Srpsko veterinarsko društvosr
dc.source35. Savetovanje Dezinfekcija dezinsekcija i deratizacija - Jedan svet jedno zdravlje, Vrnjačka Banja, 29. maj - 1. jun 2024sr
dc.subjectUsutu virussr
dc.subjectUsutu virussr
dc.titleProblem suzbijanja komaraca u Srbiji: pristup baziran na znanju i mogućnosti za primenu novih tehnologijasr
dc.titleMosquito control in Serbia: knowledge-based approach and possibilities for use of novel technologiessr
dc.description.otherZbornik radovasr

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